Ten Things You Will Never Regret:
1. Showing kindness to an aged person.
2. Destroying a letter written in anger.
3. Offering an apology that will save a friendship.
4. Stopping a scandal that was ruining a reputation.
5. Helping a boy or girl find themselves.
6. Taking time to show consideration to parents, friends, brothers and sisters.
7. Refraining from gossip when others around you delight in it.
8. Refusing to do a thing which is wrong, although others do it.
9. Living according to your convictions.
10. Obeying and Trusting God.

We’ve all made mistakes and bad choices.
We’ve done things we wished we could forget, but somehow the memories of our past sins and temporary stupidity come back to haunt us . When that happens these things turn into regrets; they become things we start to second guess:
“What if I would have…”
“Maybe I could have…”
“I know I should have…”

Ephesians 1:7-8 (NIV) “I n him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.”

The grace and love of God is strong enough to lift off any old baggage you’ve strapped onto your back, any “woulda, coulda, shoulda” kind of regret.

* I had a really good relationship once. I wonder what I did to ruin it?

* That promotion could have been mine if I had only went after it a little harder.

* My wife and I would still be talking if I had just kept my eyes more focused on her.

* I wish I would have told my parents how much I loved them before they died.

Only God can lift such heavy baggage, b ut you have to allow Him to take them.

You cannot move forward when you’re still living in the past?

God wants to restore you from your regrets.

Maybe you have a list of all the things that you regret doing or saying or thinking –
* sinful behaviors,
* bad choices,
* wrong words
* inappropriate actions

Take your regrets to God, place them at the foot of the cross, then pray:
” Dear God , I’m asking you to give me the strength to release these regrets to you, and to live my life from this day forward without these regrets.
I thank you now for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name, Amen”

Say goodbye to those regrets!! You are free!!
You have more power on your knees than in any other position you can be in!

“Something beautiful, something good;
All my confusion he understood.
All I had to offer him was brokenness and strife,
And He made something beautiful out of my life.”