Jeannie Bierly,BCMMHC

Called To Care


About Jeannie

Mark and Jeannie Bierly

Ms. Jeannie Bierly is passionate about helping people find hope & healing in God’s Word.  She has had the privilege of serving in ministry many years and she is a woman consumed with a passion for purity in the Lord’s service. 

Jeannie formerly served under state appointment as Florida State Prayer Director prior to returning to school.  

Jeannie is a graduate of Light University and holds a Master Diploma in Biblical Counseling with emphasis on Crisis Response and Trauma Care and a Master Diploma in Christian Mental Health Coaching.  Jeannie is a Board-Certified Master Mental Health Coach First Responder and believes her highest calling is to serve others and see the Body of Christ further equipped for advancement in the Kingdom of God. 

She and her husband Mark have been married for 40 years and believe in the importance of enjoying everyday life as they continue to expand their service in the Kingdom of God.

Contact Jeannie if you would like to receive Biblical Counseling. 


As a Board-certified Master Mental Health Coach and holder of a Master Diploma in Biblical Counseling, I provide guidance and support based on my biblical training and expertise. While I integrate biblical principles into my counseling and coaching practice, it’s important to understand that my services are not a replacement for medical or psychiatric treatment and are not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Clients should consult with appropriate healthcare professionals for any mental health concerns or issues requiring medical attention. My role is to offer support, encouragement, and spiritual guidance within the context of biblical teachings. By engaging in counseling sessions with me, clients acknowledge and accept these terms.