When we desire something fresh and new in our lives, we think we can continue doing everything the same old way. If we expect, and desire things to change, we must be willing to step out of our old, set ways to receive the new things God has for us. Whether it’s a refreshing in our soul, radical faith, new health habits, an answer to prayer that we haven’t received yet…. start praying differently or whatever the Holy Spirit prompts us to do. Is it time for change?

“This is what GOD says, the God who builds a road right through the ocean, who carves a path through pounding waves, The God who summons horses and chariots and armies— they lie down and then can’t get up; they’re snuffed out like so many candles: “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! 

I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands. Wild animals will say ‘Thank you!’ —the coyotes and the buzzards— Because I provided water in the desert, rivers through the sun-baked earth, Drinking water for the people I chose, the people I made especially for myself, a people custom-made to praise me.”Isaiah 43:16-21 MSG