Thank You For Giving!!!!

Fresh Hope Women’s Hub

A Place of Equipping, Healing and Hope

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Join the HUB today for mentorship to achieve spiritual growth, victorious living,

mental health coaching, and more;  

all rooted in biblical truth and wisdom.

Ministry Partner

Jeannie Bierly, BCMMHC

Choose Your Area of

Interest or Calling!






Have You Ever Said, “I have no idea what I’m doing. or I don’t feel qualified.

God, why did you call me to this position?

I wish I had someone who could guide me.”

We are a group of women passionate, fervent, and enthusiastic about our faith and spiritual growth. We are committed to spreading that enthusiasm to other women.



Your children are your first ministry.

Praying for you,


Cassie Melton

60 second Prayer with Katrina


Seeking Gods Will

Seeking Gods Will

When searching for the will of God there are times that it’s so crystal clear. Then there’s times that even though you’re seeking God, you’re uncertain about what to do. Through the years I’ve learned in uncertainty to step out with the first step and see if God opens...

10 Things You Will never Regret

10 Things You Will never Regret

Ten Things You Will Never Regret: 1. Showing kindness to an aged person. 2. Destroying a letter written in anger. 3. Offering an apology that will save a friendship. 4. Stopping a scandal that was ruining a reputation. 5. Helping a boy or girl find themselves. 6....